AI autocomplete in the Gutenberg editor in 2 easy steps
Introduction We’ve all been using AI-powered code completion in our IDEs. Imagine having something similar for the content you write on your WordPress website. Today, we’re going to build a small plugin that adds AI autocomplete to the Gutenberg editor Prerequisites You will need an OpenAI account and an API key to be able to…
How to create an AI-powered Slack bot
Introduction Imagine working in a vast organization with thousands of employees scattered across several continents around the globe. Do you recall the challenges you faced when onboarding a new team member, or perhaps when you joined such a company yourself? You’re added to the company’s Slack workspace, only to be overwhelmed by hundreds of channels…
Benefits of posts_clauses filter or how to easily hook into WP_Query
In this post we’ll look at how we can utilize the posts_clauses filter to inject SQL into the WP_Query. But before we get into more details, a bit of background on how I came upon this filter. I have a personal plugin that I’ve created in 2015. And it exports all WooCommerce products into an…